Sana 727 Supreme Juicer Review

Experience the ultimate in cold press juicing with the Sana 727 Supreme Juicer. This innovative juicer is equipped with a patented brushless DC motor, allowing for non-stop operation and a unique auto-reverse feature. With four variable speed control options ranging from 40 to 120 RPM, you can customize your juicing experience to extract maximum flavor and nutrients. The Sana Supreme Juicing System delivers the highest yield compared to other juicers, thanks to its heavy-duty auger and dual hopper feeding tube. Plus, this versatile juicer comes with three cold press juicing screens, allowing you to make not only fresh juices but also nut butters, sorbets, baby food, and more. With its premium service and accessories, including a 132-page recipe book and a handmade Bohemian Crystal Glass, the Sana 727 Supreme Juicer is a must-have for any health-conscious individual.

Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black

Click to view the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black.

Why Consider This Product?

Are you looking for a high-quality juicer that can provide you with fresh and nutritious juice every day? Look no further than the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer. With its advanced features and outstanding performance, this juicer is a must-have for any juicing enthusiast. Here’s why you should consider this product:

  1. Patented Brushless Motor: The Sana 727 is equipped with a patented brushless DC motor that allows for non-stop operation and comes with a unique auto-reverse feature. This means that you can juice continuously without worrying about the motor overheating or the machine jamming. The motor is also lightweight, durable, and energy-efficient, ensuring a longer operating time and lower power consumption. Additionally, the motor operates silently, so you can juice in peace without disturbing others in your household.

  2. Four Speed Masticating Juicer: This juicer offers four variable speed control options ranging from 40 to 120 RPM. Lower speeds are perfect for juicing soft or fibrous produce, as they allow for gentle and precise juicing, minimizing foam and oxidation. On the other hand, higher speeds are ideal for juicing low fiber produce with a high liquid content like citrus fruits. With this wide range of speed options, you can customize your juicing experience according to the ingredients you’re using.

  3. Sana Supreme Juicing System: The Sana 727’s heavy-duty auger grinds and presses your produce, ensuring you get the highest yield compared to other juicers. This means that you can extract as much juice as possible from your fruits and vegetables, making your juicing process faster and more efficient. The juicing system also features a locking juice flap and the first dual hopper feeding tube, making it easier and more convenient to use.

  4. Multi-Use Cold Press Juicing Screens: With the Sana 727, you’ll have three versatile juicing screens at your disposal. The fine juicing screen gives you the highest juice yield, allowing you to extract every drop of juice from your ingredients. The coarse juicing screen, on the other hand, is perfect for juicing softer fruits. And if you want to get more creative, the homogenizing screen allows you to make all-natural nut butters and milks, as well as sorbets, baby food, frozen desserts, and more. This juicer truly offers endless possibilities in the kitchen.

  5. Max Flavor & Nutrients: The Sana 727 guarantees higher nutritional content and the freshest-tasting juices thanks to its masticating technology. By slowly squeezing the juice out of your fruits and vegetables, the juicer preserves their natural flavors and nutrients, ensuring that you get the most out of your ingredients. Whether you’re juicing delicate herbs or fibrous produce like watermelon, orange, celery, cucumber, apple, carrot, beets, or ginger, this juicer will give you delicious and nutritious juices every time.

  6. Premium Service & Accessories: When you purchase the Sana 727 Supreme Juicer, you not only get a top-notch appliance but also premium service and accessories. The juicer comes with an outstanding 15-year manufacturer warranty, giving you peace of mind and ensuring that your investment is protected. Additionally, the product package includes a custom 132-page step-by-step recipe book, a handmade 500ml Bohemian Crystal Glass, and a custom-designed food-grade stainless steel upswept angled pulp catcher. With these accessories, you’ll have everything you need to start juicing right away.

Features and Benefits

Patented Brushless Motor

The Sana 727 features an advanced brushless DC motor that sets it apart from other juicers on the market. This patented motor offers several key benefits that make it a valuable addition to your kitchen. Firstly, its non-stop operation and auto-reverse feature ensure that you can juice continuously without any interruptions. This means that you can tackle large batches of fruits and vegetables without worrying about the motor overheating or the machine getting jammed.

Additionally, the motor’s lightweight and durable design make it easy to handle and built to last. Its longer operating time allows you to juice for extended periods, and its lower power consumption is more energy-efficient. Plus, the motor operates quietly, minimizing disruptions and allowing you to enjoy a peaceful juicing experience.

Four Speed Masticating Juicer

The Sana 727 offers four variable speed control options, ranging from 40 to 120 RPM. This wide range of speeds allows you to juice a variety of ingredients, tailoring the juicing process to best suit the produce you’re using.

Lower speeds, such as 40 or 65 RPM, are perfect for juicing soft or fibrous fruits and vegetables. These speeds ensure gentle and precise juicing, minimizing foam and oxidation. You’ll get the most out of delicate produce like berries, leafy greens, and herbs, preserving their flavors and nutrients.

On the other hand, higher speeds like 90 or 120 RPM are more suitable for low fiber produce with high liquid content, such as citrus fruits. These speeds enable faster juicing, making it convenient for juicing large quantities of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

With the flexibility to choose the speed that best suits your ingredients, you can achieve optimal juicing results every time.

Sana Supreme Juicing System

The Sana 727 is equipped with a supreme juicing system that delivers the highest yield compared to other juicers. This system combines a heavy-duty auger with a pressing mechanism to extract as much juice as possible from your fruits and vegetables. The auger works by gently grinding and pressing the produce, while the pressing mechanism squeezes out the juice.

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By utilizing this advanced juicing system, you can enjoy more juice from the same amount of ingredients, ensuring that nothing goes to waste. Whether you’re juicing apples, carrots, celery, or other hard and fibrous produce, the Sana 727’s supreme juicing system will handle it with ease.

The juicing system also features a few unique and convenient features. Firstly, it includes a locking juice flap that prevents any leakage or spills while you’re juicing. This ensures a mess-free experience and makes cleaning up afterward much easier.

Another innovative feature is the dual hopper feeding tube, which is the first of its kind. This feeding tube allows you to juice larger pieces of fruits and vegetables, saving you time and effort in cutting and prepping your ingredients. You can simply feed whole apples or cucumbers into the tube and let the juicer do its magic.

With the Sana 727’s supreme juicing system, you can enjoy fast and efficient juicing, hassle-free.

Multi-Use Cold Press Juicing Screens

The Sana 727 comes with three versatile juicing screens, each serving a different purpose. These screens allow you to explore various juicing possibilities and get creative in the kitchen.

The fine juicing screen is designed to give you the highest juice yield possible. It extracts the maximum amount of juice from your ingredients, ensuring that you get every drop of liquid out of them. This screen is perfect for juicing hard and fibrous produce, as well as leafy greens and herbs.

The coarse juicing screen, on the other hand, applies less pressure during the juicing process. This makes it ideal for juicing softer fruits that require a gentler touch. With this screen, you can juice ingredients like berries, grapes, mangoes, and peaches without worrying about excessive force damaging the delicate flesh.

In addition to juicing screens, the Sana 727 also includes a homogenizing screen. This screen allows you to go beyond traditional juicing and explore other culinary possibilities. You can use it to make all-natural nut butters and milks from various nuts, like almonds or cashews. It’s also great for creating sorbets, baby food, and frozen desserts. This screen opens up a world of creativity in your kitchen and expands the range of possibilities with your juicer.

With these three juicing screens, the Sana 727 offers versatility and flexibility to suit your juicing needs, no matter what ingredients you’re working with.

Learn more about the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black here.

Product Quality

When it comes to product quality, the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer stands out from the competition. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this juicer is built to ensure a reliable and long-lasting performance, delivering exceptional results every time.

The juicer’s body is made from premium quality materials, ensuring durability and sturdiness. This makes the appliance capable of withstanding heavy-duty juicing for years to come. Its robust construction ensures that it can withstand the pressures applied during the juicing process without losing its efficiency.

The patented brushless DC motor further enhances the product quality. This advanced motor design not only enables non-stop operation but also contributes to the juicer’s overall performance. Its lightweight and durable construction make it easy to handle, while its long operating time allows for extended juicing sessions. With lower power consumption, the motor ensures energy efficiency and reduces your ecological footprint.

In addition to its high-quality construction, the Sana 727 is backed by an impressive 15-year manufacturer warranty. This warranty demonstrates the manufacturer’s confidence in the product and guarantees your satisfaction as a customer. Should any issues arise, you can rely on the manufacturer’s support and assistance.

With the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer, you can be confident in the quality and reliability of your juicing appliance.

What It’s Used For

The Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer is a versatile kitchen appliance that can be used for various purposes beyond traditional juicing. Its multi-functionality makes it an essential tool for health-conscious individuals, gourmet chefs, and anyone looking to explore the possibilities of fresh and natural ingredients. Here are some real-life examples of how the Sana 727 can be used:

Making Fresh Juices

Of course, the primary use of the Sana 727 is making fresh and nutritious juices. With its masticating technology and supreme juicing system, this juicer ensures that you get the highest yield compared to other juicers on the market. It efficiently extracts every drop of juice from your fruits and vegetables, preserving their flavors and nutrients.

You can create a wide range of juices using the Sana 727, from simple single-fruit juices to complex and exotic blends. Whether you prefer a refreshing orange juice in the morning, a vibrant green juice to boost your energy, or a colorful mixed fruit juice as a tasty treat, this juicer has got you covered. The four variable speed options allow you to customize your juicing experience according to the ingredients you’re using, ensuring optimal results every time.

Making Nut Butters and Milks

Thanks to the included homogenizing screen, the Sana 727 enables you to make all-natural nut butters and milks right in your own kitchen. You can easily turn a variety of nuts, such as almonds, cashews, or peanuts, into smooth and creamy spreads or milks. By avoiding additives and preservatives found in store-bought alternatives, you can enjoy healthier and more wholesome versions of these popular pantry staples.

Homemade nut butter can be used as a spread on toast, as a dip for fruits or vegetables, or as an ingredient in baking and cooking. Nut milk can be enjoyed as a refreshing beverage, used in smoothies or shakes, or incorporated into recipes that call for dairy milk. With the Sana 727, you have the freedom to experiment and create a range of flavors and textures to suit your taste preferences.

Creating Sorbets and Frozen Desserts

If you have a sweet tooth and enjoy frozen treats, the Sana 727 can be your secret weapon in making homemade sorbets and frozen desserts. By combining frozen fruits with a touch of sweetness, you can create guilt-free desserts that are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients.

With the coarse juicing screen, you can easily process frozen fruits like berries, mangoes, or peaches into smooth and creamy sorbets. The slow and gentle juicing process ensures that these desserts retain their natural flavors and textures, allowing you to indulge in a refreshing and healthy treat. You can also get creative by adding various toppings, such as nuts, granola, or fresh fruits, to enhance the flavor and presentation of your frozen creations.

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Making Baby Food

For new parents, the Sana 727 can be a valuable ally in providing fresh and nutritious food for their little ones. By using the juicer’s fine juicing screen, you can create smooth and creamy purees from a variety of fruits and vegetables. This ensures that your baby gets all the necessary nutrients in a form that is easy to digest and gentle on their developing digestive system.

Homemade baby food allows you to have complete control over the ingredients, avoiding preservatives, artificial additives, and added sugar often found in store-bought options. You can experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables to offer your baby a wide range of flavors, textures, and nutrients. The Sana 727 simplifies the process of making baby food, making it more convenient and time-efficient for busy parents.

Innovating in the Kitchen

Beyond these specific examples, the Sana 727 encourages culinary creativity and experimentation. The juicer’s versatile features and functionalities open up a world of possibilities in the kitchen.

You can use the juicer to extract juice from delicate herbs like basil or parsley, adding a burst of freshness to your dishes. You can also juice fibrous vegetables like celery or ginger, incorporating their unique flavors into sauces, dressings, or marinades. The options are endless, and the Sana 727 provides the tools and capabilities to fuel your creativity.

With the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer, you can bring your culinary visions to life and take your kitchen adventures to the next level.

Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black

Product Specifications

Specifications Details
Product Name Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer
Motor Type Patented Brushless DC Motor
Speed Control 4 variable speed options: 40, 65, 90, and 120 RPM
Juicing Screens 3 cold press juicing screens: fine, coarse, and homogenizing
Color Black
Warranty 15-Year Manufacturer Warranty
Included Accessories 132-page recipe book, 500ml Bohemian Crystal Glass, stainless steel pulp catcher

Who Needs This

The Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer is a must-have for anyone who values fresh and nutritious juices. Whether you’re a health-conscious individual, a passionate home cook, or a parent looking to provide wholesome food for your family, this juicer will enhance your lifestyle and enable you to create a range of delicious and healthy beverages and dishes.

Juicing enthusiasts will appreciate the Sana 727’s superior performance and versatility. The juicer’s supreme juicing system and variable speed control options allow them to extract maximum juice yield from various fruits and vegetables. Whether you’re juicing fibrous greens, citrus fruits, or delicate herbs, this juicer will deliver exceptional results.

Home cooks and chefs will find the Sana 727 a valuable tool in their culinary endeavors. From incorporating fresh juice into recipes to creating unique flavors and textures with nut butters and milks, this juicer offers a wide range of possibilities. Its high-quality construction and innovative features make it a reliable companion in the kitchen.

Parents who want to provide their babies with fresh and wholesome food will also benefit from the Sana 727. The juicer’s ability to create smooth and creamy purees makes it easier to prepare baby food at home, ensuring that little ones receive optimal nutrition. It eliminates the need for store-bought options that may contain additives, preservatives, or added sugar.

Ultimately, anyone who values high-quality and natural ingredients, and who wants to live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, can benefit from the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer.

Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black

Pros and Cons


  • Patented brushless DC motor enables non-stop operation and auto-reverse feature
  • Lightweight and durable motor design with longer operating time and lower power consumption
  • Ultra-quiet operation for a peaceful juicing experience
  • Four variable speed control options for versatile juicing
  • Supreme juicing system delivers the highest yield compared to other juicers
  • Includes three versatile juicing screens for various applications
  • Ensures maximum flavor and nutrient retention with masticating technology
  • Premium quality construction for long-lasting performance
  • Backed by an outstanding 15-year manufacturer warranty
  • Comes with a custom 132-page recipe book and additional accessories


  • Higher price point compared to some other juicers on the market
  • Limited color options (currently only available in black)


  1. What is the difference between a masticating juicer and a centrifugal juicer?

Masticating juicers, like the Sana 727, use a slow and gentle squeezing action to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. This method maintains the integrity of the ingredients, preserving their flavors and nutrients. On the other hand, centrifugal juicers use high-speed spinning blades to separate the juice from the produce. While centrifugal juicers are faster, they may generate heat and cause oxidation, resulting in reduced nutritional value and shorter shelf life for the juice.

  1. Can I juice leafy greens with the Sana 727?

Absolutely! The Sana 727 is specifically designed to juice leafy greens effectively. Its supreme juicing system and variable speed control options allow for gentle and precise juicing, ensuring maximum juice yield from fibrous greens like kale, spinach, or wheatgrass. With the Sana 727, you can enjoy nutrient-rich green juices at home.

  1. How loud is the Sana 727 during operation?

The Sana 727 operates silently, thanks to its advanced brushless DC motor. Unlike many other juicers on the market, this juicer won’t disrupt your household with loud grinding or whirring noises. You can juice in peace, even in the early mornings or late at night, without disturbing others.

  1. Is the Sana 727 easy to clean?

Yes, the Sana 727 is designed with easy cleaning in mind. Its parts can be easily disassembled, allowing you to clean them thoroughly. The included fine brush makes it convenient to remove any residue or pulp stuck in the juicing screens. Additionally, the included food-grade stainless steel upswept angled pulp catcher catches excess pulp, making cleanup a breeze.

  1. Does the Sana 727 come with any recipes?

Yes, the Sana 727 Supreme Juicer comes with a custom 132-page step-by-step recipe book. This book includes a variety of recipes for juices, nut butters, milks, sorbets, baby food, and frozen desserts. It serves as a great resource for inspiration and guidance as you explore the endless possibilities with your juicer.

  1. How long is the manufacturer warranty?

The Sana 727 is backed by an outstanding 15-year manufacturer warranty. This warranty ensures that you are protected against any defects in materials or workmanship and guarantees your satisfaction as a customer. With this warranty in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your investment is secure.

Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have purchased the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer have been highly satisfied with its outstanding performance and quality.

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Many customers have praised the juicer’s ability to extract maximum juice yield from various fruits and vegetables. They have noticed a significant difference in the amount of juice produced compared to other juicers they have used in the past. The slow and gentle squeezing action ensures minimal wastage and ensures that they get the most out of their ingredients.

Customers have also appreciated the versatility of the three juicing screens that come with the Sana 727. The ability to create not only juices but also nut butters, milks, sorbets, and more has been a game-changer for them. They have enjoyed experimenting with different recipes and flavors, taking their culinary adventures to new heights.

The quiet operation of the Sana 727 has also been a selling point for customers. Many have commented on how they can juice early in the morning or late at night without disturbing others in their households. The silent operation allows them to enjoy a peaceful and uninterrupted juicing experience.

Another aspect that customers have appreciated is the included 15-year manufacturer warranty. This warranty has given them confidence in the durability and longevity of the product. Knowing that they are protected against any defects or issues that may arise has been a significant factor in their decision to purchase the Sana 727.

Overall, customers have praised the Sana 727 for its exceptional performance, versatility, and high-quality construction. They have found it to be a valuable addition to their kitchens, making juicing and other culinary endeavors more convenient and enjoyable.

Overall Value

When considering the overall value of the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer, one must take into account its outstanding features, versatility, and exceptional performance.

The juicer’s patented brushless DC motor, along with its non-stop operation and auto-reverse feature, ensures that you can juice without interruptions or concerns about overheating or jamming. The four variable speed control options allow for precise and customized juicing, regardless of the ingredients you’re using. The supreme juicing system guarantees the highest juice yield and offers convenience with features like the locking juice flap and dual hopper feeding tube.

The inclusion of three versatile juicing screens opens up a world of possibilities in the kitchen. You can create a wide variety of juices, nut butters, milks, sorbets, and other delights, catering to your unique tastes and dietary preferences.

The Sana 727’s masticating technology preserves the maximum flavor and nutrients in the extracted juices, ensuring that you and your family can enjoy the freshest and most nutritious beverages.

The high-quality construction of the Sana 727, coupled with the outstanding 15-year manufacturer warranty, provides customers with confidence and peace of mind. You can be assured that your investment is protected and that any issues that may arise will be addressed promptly.

The inclusion of a custom 132-page recipe book, a handmade 500ml Bohemian Crystal Glass, and a custom-designed stainless steel pulp catcher further enhances the overall value of the Sana 727. These additional accessories and resources enable you to make the most of your juicing experience from day one.

Considering the exceptional features, versatility, performance, and customer satisfaction reported by those who have purchased the Sana 727, it is safe to say that this juicer offers excellent value for the price.

Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To achieve the best results with your Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer, follow these tips and tricks:

  1. Cut your produce into smaller pieces: While the Sana 727 can handle larger pieces of fruits and vegetables, cutting them into smaller pieces will allow for easier and more efficient juicing. This is especially true for harder or fibrous produce like carrots or celery. By cutting them into smaller chunks, you’ll ensure a smoother juicing process and maximize the extraction.

  2. Alternate between different types of produce: When juicing a variety of fruits and vegetables, it’s best to alternate between different types to ensure the optimal flow of juice through the juicer. Juicing a softer ingredient after a harder one can help push out any remaining pulp and facilitate a cleaner juicing process.

  3. Be gentle when assembling and disassembling the parts: While the Sana 727 is a robust and durable juicer, it’s essential to handle its parts with care when assembling and disassembling the machine. This will ensure their longevity and prevent any damage or wear and tear.

  4. Clean the juicer immediately after use: To maintain the performance and longevity of your Sana 727, it’s crucial to clean the juicer immediately after each use. Disassemble the parts and rinse them under warm water. Use the included fine brush to remove any pulp or residue stuck in the juicing screens. Thoroughly dry all the parts before storing them.

  5. Experiment with different combinations and recipes: The Sana 727 offers endless possibilities when it comes to juicing and beyond. Experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, or even incorporate the juicer in your baking and cooking adventures. Don’t be afraid to get creative and explore the full potential of this versatile kitchen appliance.

By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that you get the best possible results and enjoy a seamless and enjoyable juicing experience with your Sana 727.

Final Thoughts

The Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer is an exceptional product that offers top-notch performance, versatility, and convenience. Its advanced features and innovative design make it an indispensable tool for anyone who values fresh and nutritious juices or wants to explore the possibilities of natural ingredients.

With its patented brushless DC motor, the Sana 727 allows for non-stop juicing and offers a unique auto-reverse feature, ensuring a prolonged and uninterrupted juicing experience. The four variable speed control options cater to a variety of produce, allowing for precise and customized juicing. The supreme juicing system delivers the highest yield compared to other juicers on the market, ensuring that you get the most out of your ingredients.

The inclusion of three versatile juicing screens adds to the product’s value and functionality. Whether you’re making juice, nut butter, milk, sorbet, or baby food, the Sana 727 has the tools to meet your needs. With its masticating technology, the juicer ensures maximum flavor and nutrient retention, guaranteeing fresh and nutritious juices every time.

The Sana 727’s high-quality construction, backed by an outstanding 15-year manufacturer warranty, proves the manufacturer’s commitment to customer satisfaction. With this juicer, you can enjoy reliability and durability for years to come.

The additional resources included with the Sana 727, such as the custom recipe book and accessories, further enhance the overall value and usability of this product. Whether you’re new to juicing or a seasoned pro, these resources provide inspiration, guidance, and convenience.

In conclusion, the Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer is a top-tier appliance that offers exceptional performance, versatility, and value. By investing in this juicer, you’re not only investing in your health and well-being but also gaining a reliable and indispensable companion in the kitchen.

Find your new Sana 727 Supreme Cold Press Masticating Juicer | Large Batch | Non-Stop Juicing | 4 Speed Brushless DC Motor | 45-120 RPM’s | Easy clean 132 Page Recipe Book | 15 Year Warranty | Black on this page.

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