Cuisinart Citrus Juicer Review

Is your morning routine missing a refreshing glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice? Look no further than the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe. This sleek and modern juicer, with its black and silver design, is the perfect addition to any kitchen. The 24-ounce Easy-Pour Glass Carafe ensures that you can enjoy your favorite citrus juice without any mess. With an adjustable reamer offering three pulp control settings, you can customize your juice to your desired consistency. The auto-reversing, universal juicer cone guarantees more efficient juicing, while the cover activates the Final-Spin feature, extracting every last drop of juice from the pulp. Say goodbye to store-bought juice and hello to the most flavorful and nutritious homemade citrus juice with the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe.

Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce

Click to view the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce.

Why Consider This Product?

When it comes to preparing refreshing and nutritious beverages, the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce is a top-notch choice. Whether you enjoy starting your day with a glass of fresh orange juice or love experimenting with citrus-based cocktails, this juicer offers numerous benefits that make it worth considering.

Elevate Your Juicing Experience

With its 24-ounce easy-pour glass carafe and lid, this juicer provides a convenient and mess-free way to extract juice from your favorite citrus fruits. The adjustable reamer offers three pulp control settings (low, medium, and high), allowing you to customize the pulpiness of your juice according to your preference. This means you can enjoy a perfectly smooth glass of orange juice or add a bit of texture for a more refreshing experience.

Effortless Operation

The CCJ-900P1 features an auto-reversing, universal juicer cone that ensures maximum efficiency when juicing. This means you can extract every last drop of juice from your citrus fruits without wasting any precious liquid. Additionally, the cover of the juicer activates the Final-Spin feature, which not only protects against dust when storing the appliance but also extracts even more juice from the pulp. With these innovative features, juicing becomes a breeze, saving you time and effort.

Trusted Brand and Reliable Performance

Cuisinart is a renowned brand known for its high-quality kitchen appliances, and this citrus juicer is no exception. It is designed with durability in mind, featuring a sturdy construction that can withstand regular use. The thoughtful design elements, such as the easy-pour carafe and adjustable reamer, further enhance the overall user experience. By choosing this product, you can be confident in the reliability and performance it offers.

Features and Benefits

Easy-Pour Glass Carafe

The 24-ounce glass carafe makes it effortless to pour your freshly extracted juice without any spills or mess. The lid ensures that the juice remains fresh and ready to be enjoyed whenever you desire.

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Adjustable Reamer with Pulp Control

The juicer comes with an adjustable reamer that allows you to control the amount of pulp in your juice. Whether you prefer a smooth consistency or a more textured drink, this feature ensures you can customize your juice based on your taste preferences.

Auto-Reversing, Universal Juicer Cone

The auto-reversing feature of the juicer cone ensures that every drop of juice is extracted from your citrus fruits, maximizing the yield and minimizing waste. This technology makes juicing more efficient and ensures you get the most out of your fruits.

Final-Spin Feature

The Final-Spin feature of the juicer activates when you cover it, extracting additional juice from the pulp. This not only increases the yield but also results in a more flavorful juice without any extraneous effort.

Sturdy and Durable Construction

With its black and silver design, this citrus juicer is both aesthetically pleasing and built to last. The high-quality materials used in its construction ensure its durability, allowing you to enjoy fresh citrus juice for years to come.

Easy to Clean

Cleaning up after juicing is a breeze with the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer. Its removable parts can be easily washed by hand or in a dishwasher, ensuring a quick and hassle-free cleanup process.

Discover more about the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce.

Product Quality

The Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce is a testament to the brand’s commitment to delivering high-quality kitchen appliances. Made with precision and attention to detail, this juicer is designed to provide reliable performance and longevity. The sturdy construction ensures that it can withstand daily use, and the thoughtful design elements enhance its functionality.

Cuisinart has a reputation for producing appliances that meet rigorous quality standards, and this citrus juicer is no exception. The brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the product’s construction, performance, and overall user experience. With the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer, you can trust that you are investing in a product that will consistently deliver delicious, freshly squeezed juice.

What It’s Used For

Making Freshly Squeezed Juice

The primary use of the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer is to extract juice from citrus fruits. Whether you prefer oranges, lemons, limes, or grapefruits, this juicer allows you to enjoy the natural flavors and goodness of freshly squeezed juice. Start your day off right with a glass of tangy orange juice or try out unique citrus-based recipes to add a twist to your meals.

Creating Refreshing Cocktails

If you enjoy experimenting with mixology, this citrus juicer is an excellent addition to your barware collection. Freshly squeezed citrus juice is a must-have ingredient in many classic and modern cocktails. From margaritas to mojitos, the vibrant flavors of citrus fruits can elevate your cocktails to new levels of refreshment. Impress your guests with perfectly balanced and freshly squeezed citrus-based drinks.

Enhancing Culinary Creations

Citrus fruits are not only packed with refreshing flavors but are also versatile in the kitchen. The Cuisinart Citrus Juicer allows you to extract the juice needed for various culinary creations. From salad dressings and marinades to sauces and desserts, citrus juice can add a bright and tangy element to your recipes. Incorporate the juicer into your cooking routine and unleash the potential of citrus in your dishes.

Promoting Healthy Living

Freshly squeezed juice is not only delicious but also offers several health benefits. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that support overall wellness. By regularly juicing citrus fruits, you can incorporate more natural goodness into your diet, promoting a healthier lifestyle. Give your immune system a boost, support skin health, and enjoy the countless benefits offered by fresh citrus juice.

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Adding a Touch of Elegance

The sleek design of the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen or bar area. With its black and silver finish, this juicer is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Its compact size and stylish appearance make it a valuable addition to any countertop, bringing sophistication to your culinary space.

Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce

Product Specifications

The Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce is packed with features that enhance its functionality and efficiency. Below is a table summarizing the product specifications:

Specification Details
Product Dimension 6.88 x 7.68 x 12.28 inches (L x W x H)
Weight 5.47 pounds
Carafe Capacity 24 ounces
Reamer Control Low, Medium, High
Cone Type Universal auto-reversing juicer cone
Final-Spin Yes
Construction Black/Silver, high-quality materials
Cleaning Removable parts, dishwasher-safe
Warranty Limited 3-year warranty for home use

Who Needs This

The Cuisinart Citrus Juicer is a versatile appliance suitable for a range of individuals who can benefit from its features and functionality. If you fall into any of these categories or have similar preferences, this juicer may be a valuable addition to your kitchen:

  1. Juicing Enthusiasts: If you enjoy freshly squeezed citrus juice in the morning or throughout the day, this juicer simplifies the process and ensures you get the most out of your fruits.

  2. Cocktail Enthusiasts: If you enjoy mixing cocktails at home, having a citrus juicer is essential for creating authentic and delicious drinks. This juicer provides the convenience and efficiency needed for crafting refreshing cocktails.

  3. Home Cooks and Chefs: Whether you’re an amateur cook or a seasoned chef, the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer can enhance your culinary creations. The ability to extract fresh citrus juice adds a burst of flavor to various dishes, making it a must-have tool in the kitchen.

  4. Health-Conscious Individuals: If you prioritize a healthy lifestyle and enjoy incorporating fresh juices into your diet, this juicer can help you achieve your goals. With its efficiency and ease of use, you can quickly obtain nutrient-rich juices to support your well-being.

  5. Aesthetics Enthusiasts: If you appreciate sleek and stylish appliances that elevate the look of your kitchen or bar area, the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer fits the bill. Its elegant design adds a touch of sophistication to your space, making it a great addition for those who value aesthetics.

Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce

Pros and Cons

Considering both the advantages and limitations of a product is essential for making an informed decision. Below, we outline the pros and cons of the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer:


  1. Efficient and convenient juicing process.
  2. Adjustable pulp control settings for customized juices.
  3. Auto-reversing juicer cone for maximum juice extraction.
  4. Final-Spin feature increases juice yield.
  5. Sturdy and durable construction for long-lasting performance.
  6. Easy to clean with removable parts that are dishwasher-safe.
  7. Trusted brand with a strong reputation for quality and reliability.
  8. Sleek design adds elegance to any kitchen or bar area.


  1. Limited to citrus fruits only.
  2. Requires manual effort to operate.
  3. Relatively higher price compared to less advanced citrus juicers.
  4. Size may not be suitable for individuals with limited counter space.


Q: Can I use this juicer for other fruits such as apples or berries?

A: No, this juicer is specifically designed for juicing citrus fruits only. It is not recommended for use with other types of fruits or vegetables.

Q: Can I adjust the pulpiness of the juice?

A: Yes, the adjustable reamer of the juicer allows you to control the pulpiness of your juice. You can choose from low, medium, or high settings based on your preference.

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Q: Is the glass carafe dishwasher-safe?

A: Yes, all removable parts of the juicer, including the glass carafe, can be safely cleaned in the dishwasher for convenience.

Q: Does the juicer come with a warranty?

A: Yes, the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer comes with a limited 3-year warranty for home use, providing peace of mind and assurance of the product’s quality.

Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have purchased the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer have expressed their satisfaction with its performance and functionality. Many have praised the juicer’s efficiency in extracting juice from citrus fruits, allowing them to enjoy fresh and flavorful beverages. The adjustable pulp control settings have also been well-received, as they provide the flexibility to customize the consistency of the juice according to personal taste preferences.

Customers also appreciate the sturdy construction and durability of the juicer. The ease of cleaning, with removable parts that are dishwasher-safe, has been a bonus for many users. The trusted reputation of the Cuisinart brand has further solidified the confidence customers have in their purchase.

Overall, the feedback from customers highlights the positive experience and value that the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer offers. From its efficient juicing capabilities to its stylish design, customers have found this juicer to be an excellent investment for their kitchen.

Overall Value

The Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce delivers exceptional value to individuals seeking a convenient and efficient way to enjoy freshly squeezed citrus juice. Its features, such as the adjustable pulp control, auto-reversing juicer cone, and Final-Spin extraction, ensure maximum juice yield and a tailored juicing experience. The sturdy construction, sleek design, and easy-to-clean nature of the juicer further contribute to its overall value.

With the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer, you can elevate your juicing routine, experiment with citrus-based cocktails, enhance your culinary creations, and support a healthy lifestyle. The trusted brand reputation and positive customer reviews reinforce the value that this juicer offers.

Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To make the most out of your Cuisinart Citrus Juicer, here are some tips and tricks for achieving the best results:

  1. Choose the right citrus fruits: Opt for firm and ripe citrus fruits to ensure the best flavor and juice yield.

  2. Warm your citrus fruits: Before juicing, microwave your citrus fruits for a few seconds or roll them gently on your countertop to maximize the juice extraction.

  3. Adjust pulp control settings: Experiment with the three pulp control settings (low, medium, high) to find the consistency that suits your preference.

  4. Clean the juicer immediately after use: To prevent staining or residue buildup, clean the juicer immediately after each use. This will ensure optimal performance and longevity.

  5. Try different citrus combinations: Mix and match different citrus fruits to create unique and delicious flavor profiles in your juices or cocktails.

  6. Utilize the Final-Spin feature: Cover your juicer when storing to activate the Final-Spin feature, which extracts even more juice from the pulp. This ensures you don’t miss out on any precious liquid.

By incorporating these tips into your juicing routine, you can enhance the overall experience and get the most out of your Cuisinart Citrus Juicer.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary:

The Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce is a must-have kitchen appliance for individuals who appreciate fresh and flavorful citrus juices. With its efficient juicing capabilities, adjustable pulp control, and Final-Spin feature, this juicer delivers a personalized and hassle-free juicing experience. The sturdy construction, sleek design, and dishwasher-safe components further enhance its functionality and ease of use.

Final Recommendation:

If you are looking for a reliable, user-friendly, and stylish citrus juicer, the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce is a worthy investment. It offers a range of features that simplify the juicing process and ensure maximum juice extraction. With its versatility and durability, this juicer is suitable for juicing enthusiasts, cocktail lovers, home cooks, health-conscious individuals, and those who appreciate aesthetics. Elevate your juicing experience and enjoy the freshness of citrus juice with the Cuisinart Citrus Juicer.

Find your new Cuisinart Citrus Juicer with Carafe, CCJ-900P1, Black/Silver, 24 Ounce on this page.

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